
Hi! Welcome to Twenty Two Bridges! A collection of works as I like to call it – a compilation of bits and pieces of life as it happens in all different types of forms. Pictures, songs, poetry, stories, little paragraphs about god knows what, and any other combinations you can put onto a web page are probably on this site, or will eventually be.

I like to write poetry, short stories, little blurbs about life, and just about everything. I write poetry when nothing else can fully explain how I am feeling. I use abstract ideas to attempt to describe abstract feelings. I write short stories sometimes to heal, sometimes to paint a picture with letters, and sometimes just because I can. I write about life to hopefully connect with others on this insane journey of being. Paintings I have drawn and pictures I have taken of the beauties around me accompany my writing.

Why do I do it?

Because why not! There is something so very freeing about writing about the deepest topics on my mind and then putting it out for the whole world to see. Knowing that anyone and everyone can see what I write and maybe even can relate to it is so exciting.

Who am I?

My name is Alayna! I am 22 and I write to free myself. I write to understand, to dive deep, to create, to believe. I write to be human and to remember that humanity for as long as I possibly can. I write to celebrate the good times, acknowledge the bad, and to process all the emotions in between.

I am logically creative, and my best self in nature. The most logically creative place of all. I find beauty in the little things and learning about the world is my favorite beauty by far.

My biggest question in life is simply Why? I recall being a first grader sitting in my elementary school classroom with this obscenely sentient thought for a 6 year old: Why was I placed into this specific body? Why am I me and not that person over there? I cannot remember a time that I was not fascinated with these existential questions about our humanity that we will most likely never know the answer to. So, I write.