A Tribute to Nana

To my best friend, the most Godly woman I’ll ever know, and the woman I was named after –

Thank you for teaching me some of the most important lessons in life such as:

  • How to take on life with a smile,
  • Find the joy in the small things
  • Like the birds and the sky
  • And watching golf on TV
  • And the most important of all – having bread with your dinner.

All without having to speak a word.

I remember when you taught me now to cook certain foods at a very young age – probably before I should have been so close to a boiling pot of hot oil.

I will never forget my favorite recipes of yours that you would make for all of the grandchildren when we were young: cheesesticks, meatballs, coutte de lette, bread, stuffed eggplant, tomato salad, and my personal favorite – pasta with butter!

All of these dishes so simple yet so full of flavor and spice – just like you. 

I will never forget your stories about your childhood and growing up on a farm in Italy and so quickly understanding how different your life growing up was compared to the one I have experienced growing up in the US.

Your sacrifices have changed the lives of generations to come, and for that we cannot thank you enough.

I thank God every day for giving me a grandmother like you – so gentle and caring, yet a force to be reckoned with. I know that now you will watch over us with the careful eye you have always had – our guardian angel. I love you so very much and you will be missed more than you can know. Until we meet again Nana. 

My lovely Elena Carravetta

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