Welcome 🙂

Welcome to 22 Bridges. A collection of works, written as I navigate young adulthood and life. I have crossed countless bridges to get to where I am today. Dealing with love, loss, changes, careers, family, and life. The idea for this collection of written works came to light as I went through a split. I was reminded that I love to write and read and sing and dance when I was in a place where I did not think any of those things were possible. I learned the joys and wonders of learning and knowing and loving yourself when I felt it was dumb to love yourself. (It is not, in fact, dumb to love yourself). I write these snippets of life when I am feeling the strongest emotions. When I struggle to breathe and keep my head above the ever-flowing current that is this life we live and are forced to navigate. When joy is bursting from my chest in rays that I do not know how to view with the naked eye. I write to release these emotions and put some type of explanation to the thoughts in my brain and the pain in my chest and the excitement at my fingertips as I go through life. So welcome and enjoy. 🙂

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